Weekly Nano Update: 8/6/2018

A new milestone enters testing, London meetup, and more!

Austin Ramsdale


Join Colin and George this Wednesday, August 8th @ The Cat & Mutton in London!

Hello everyone, and happy Monday!

We have a big week ahead of us as the final checks on v15 are coming together. The team is hard at work preparing a new test branch that will hit the beta network this week!

As many of you may know, v14.3 was originally slated to hit last week, but as we got further into development and testing, the call was made to push those changes into the v15 milestone release. Development continues on Lazy Bootstrapping, Vote by Hash, and Vote stapling — which all should be appearing in upcoming versions.

The release notes are still be finalized for v15, but the Milestone Tracker for this release has a flurry of activity:

  • Vote synchronization improvements are included in this version, including a reduction in the announcement minimum requirement (PR #996), and improvements in how nodes send confirmation requests (PR #999).
  • Hash only voting is being prioritized for this release (PR #1025), which will also allow them to be batched, optimizing bandwidth.
  • Changes to voting quorum will allow us to remove the vote re-announcement requirement, reducing vote traffic from repeating (PR #992).

Several other optimizations and bug fixes are also included. If you’d like to follow along, we’ve made it incredibly easy to track the progress of each milestone release on our GitHub!

London Meetup

It’s been a while since we’ve had a proper meetup — and we want to change that! If you happen to be in London this week, Colin and George will be at The Cat & Mutton this Wednesday, August 8th, at 7 PM!

As always, we look forward to meeting each and every one of you! If you’d like to setup a Nano meetup in your area, reach out to us — We have an Event Kit available on our website, and who knows, we might just show up!

It’s “Last Call!” for Legacy Blocks

Earlier this year, we introduced Universal Blocks — A way of standardizing the transactions that happen on the network. Today, all nodes and services can generally handle both types of blocks, Universal or Legacy.

We are quickly approaching the retirement of Legacy Blocks, and encourage all sites, services, and applications that have integrated Nano to start taking the proper steps to convert to Universal blocks, if you haven’t already.

If you are unsure about your product or service, and need assistance determining if you are impacted, please reach out to us on Twitter, Discord, or via Email.

A big thank you!

In closing, I wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you that takes time to read these updates; to each and every one of you that participates in our subreddit, Discord, or Telegram; and to each and every one of you that continues to support what we’re doing.

There are a lot of things in the works, several new features being touted, but most importantly, it comes down to the community of users that really makes Nano special.

We value your feedback as much as your continued support, and we encourage you to continue providing us as much feedback as you can.

- ❤ Nano Team

